Our Boxing Day promotion in 2025 will start around Boxing Day which falls on Friday 26th December
We’re working on something exciting for Boxing Day 2025! While the details are still under wraps, you can expect incredible offers across your favorite Innisfree skincare, body care, haircare, and makeup products. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to indulge in our exclusive deals!
Spend $50 to receive free delivery. For orders under $50, a standard delivery fee of $10 is applied. Due to the high volume of orders we are receiving, please allow extra time for your order to be dispatched and delivered.
We offer a 30 day returns and exchanges period on all purchases made via INNISFREE Australia online. You can find more information about our returns policy here
Please kindly allow extra time for your order to reach you during our Boxing Day promotional period. Orders placed during peak periods can take anywhere from 5-10 business days to arrive, subject to Australia Post delivery conditions.
Thank you for your patience as we work to get your order to you as soon as possible!